Constant Headache
Constant headache is the most common disease or symptom that affects all age people across the world.

There are many reason for constant headache to occur like climatic condition, stress, constant exposure to sun, sinus, migraine etc. some people prone to attack by headache on daily basis, this type of headache is known as constant headache.
Understanding the cause for headache is very important because without knowing the causes we cannot stop this type of headache.
Constant headache causes
Migraine is nothing but a headache that affects people all around the world. The exact cause for migraine cannot be detected but when compared to men most of the women are affected by this kind of headache. These migraine perform different action in different people ,some people have mild attack that last for a couple of hours, for others it can be few days with constant irritating disorder that will affect the daily routine activities of the people. Migraine can also cause other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, sensitivity towards the light are various other symptoms that can affect the people.
Sinus headache
Sinus headache is also one of the causes for headache, it can be often confused with the migraine but sinus is entirely different from this disease. Sinus is nothing but dust particles in the nose that affects the normal routine activities of the nose that cause one side headache and also some fluid that flows from nose can cause irritation which can be cured by taking proper medicine. Sinus cannot be prevented by just taking painkiller because dust particles cannot be controlled by a pain killer but it can be treated by undergoing an operation in the nose to stop constant headache.

Head injury
Head injury is also a cause for constant headache because brain does not have a sensitive area to detect the pain so alternatively areas in the neck and face can detect the pain by producing headache in that particular area and also trauma can also lead to constant headache because injury in the brain normally shows its sign by constant headache. Constant headache should be treated by consulting the doctor and analyze the reason for the headache and also proper treatment is necessary to this disease.

Constant headache can occur due to stress because stress is related with problems like hopelessness, tired, tension, and also less asleep .These things give rise to stress in the person having constant headache. alcoholism, smoking cigarette can cause headache to the people.

Cluster headache
Cluster headache is nothing but a sudden headache which will be constant for few days .Cluster headache leads to multiple problems like vomiting, body pain, irritating eyes, with severe headache. It is one of the worst pains that can make people unconscious. Periodic treatment is necessary for constant headache because without proper treatment the disease cannot be cured and patient could not bear the pain. It takes few days with constant headache and other side effects that can affect day today activities.

Constant headache treatments
Consulting a doctor is the best remedy for constant headache because treatment is very much needed to eradicate the disease also constant headache could not be stopped without proper medicine. Stress management classes should be taken by people who are suffering from stress.
By doing yoga, meditation, regular breathing exercises prevents certain diseases like sinus, migraine , stress can be cured by taking medicine can also produce side effects like stomach pain etc.Regular treatment should be taken for disease like brain tumor which will show same symptoms like migraines, sinus but it is a dangerous disease which can even lead to death.