Common causes of Diarrhea

Diarrhea referred to a condition in which, you pass on loose semi-liquid stools more than two to three times in one day. You may also have abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and an uncontrollable bowel movement.

There are multiple causes of diarrhea that include microbes, prescribed medicines, food intolerance and some diseases that affect the digestive system and some unknown causes. Acute diarrhea is normal medical condition that every one of us has suffered in life at any stage. It usually lasts for one or two days and can be cured with little preventions, without the use of any special treatment. This type of diarrhea usually occurs due to food intolerance or bacteria.

Chronic diarrhea sometime indicates toward a serious chronic disease. Worst affect of diarrhea is dehydration. It’s a condition in which body doesn’t work properly due to the lack of fluids. Dehydration is too dangerous for kids and old people, and it needs an immediately response to avoid other health issue.

Although diarrhea is not a life threatening condition but it can turn into serious problem in the case of carelessness. You should consult to your doctor immediately if any of these symptoms is expressed: severe pain in your abdomen or rectum, high fever, blood in stool, persistent diarrhea for three days and dehydration.

Causes of diarrhea

Acute diarrhea has generally linked to a bacterial, parasitic infection, viral or food intolerance. Whereas chronic diarrhea has been associated with functional disorders for instance IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). A few causes of diarrhea, we come across in our daily life, include the following:

Bacterial Diarrhea

Several strains of bacteria consumed via contaminated food or water can cause diarrhea. Common bacteria, responsible for this disease include Salmonella species, Shigella, Campylobacter species, E. coli and anaerobic bacteria. Bacterial diarrhea is most common form in children. Its affects are vigorous and very quickly dehydrate the body.

Viral infections

Some virus also cause diarrhea, most renounced among them are Norwalk virus, rotavirus cytomegalovirus, herpes and some strains of viral hepatitis.

Food intolerance

Most of the people, due to their own internal mechanism are not able to digest certain food component such as artificial sweeteners and milk lactose and half cooked food. This type of diarrhea vanishes on its own or with mild over the counter product.


Parasites may intrude through the contaminated food and water in the body. These parasites manage to adhere in the digestive tract. Parasites that are responsible for diarrhea include Entamoeba and Cryptosporidium.

Side effect of medicines

In children some oral antibiotics are given to treat pneumonia. In this situation macrolide group considered to be the most potent but it cause diarrhea so you can’t treat a child this drug especially when child suffer from both pneumonia and diarrhea. Some anti-hypertensive drugs, anti-cancer and most of the non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs containing magnesium can cause diarrhea.

Intestinal diseases

Irritable bowel syndrom, colitis, Inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease most of the time cause diarrhea.

In few people diarrhea develop after gastric bypass or after the gallbladder removal. The reason could be a change in movement of food in the gut or an increased amount of bile juice in the small intestine after cholecystectomy.

One Response

  1. GG August 13, 2010

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