Comments on: Metamorphopsia AllHealthSite is backed by doctors who writes on pregnancy, love, diabetes, weight loss, depression, cholesterol, breast cancer, fitness, yoga, diet, nutrition, and more Thu, 16 Jun 2016 08:27:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karen Wood Sat, 16 Feb 2013 16:10:05 +0000 Hi-
After nine years,I have learned more from this website than I have from my usual Ophthalmologist, and three specialists in this area. First I had several holes in my retina repaired with laser surgery by a retinal specialist. In the next few years I noticed that I no longer had straight lines in my vision. Horizontal lines in my right eye curved down and eventually became wavy.The lines in my left eye now curve upward. When I drive, the cars ahead of me are 50% double. A bird or plane in the sky Is completely double and separated. One specialist thinks I may have a lazy muscle. Another thinks I could have the scar tissue removed from my right retina, but thinks I have 20/20 vision with my glasses for nearsightedness. That operation would require removing the substance in my eye. It cannot be replaced and that scares me. Each of these four doctors examine me each year and send the report to the others. No one has a decisive recommendation, except for a prism in my glasses that is very inadequate. Any comments you can provide would be welcomed as I am frustrated. Thank you.
