Comments on: Common causes of Diarrhea AllHealthSite is backed by doctors who writes on pregnancy, love, diabetes, weight loss, depression, cholesterol, breast cancer, fitness, yoga, diet, nutrition, and more Wed, 08 Jun 2016 13:41:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: GG Fri, 13 Aug 2010 14:00:18 +0000 Radiation and having a portion of your colon can also cause a life long problem with diarrhea. I have to take a prescription and watch my food very carefully or I have a huge problem with diarrhea. I am a senior citizen and have had uterine cancer. The problem never happened until after I had my gall bladder out and then had to have part of my colon out too, then the problems began. I eat lots of bananas, blueberries, and white flour products. Wheat bread makes things worse so I avoid it. Certain vegetables do not cause problems for me such as fresh spinach which I make into a salad with blueberries. Zucchini has been good also. Its very difficult and you just have to experiment.
